Sunday, September 16, 2007

August 26th, 2007


As you can see this day was a departure from my normal, healthful, diet. I purchased a case of Pabst, hot dogs, sausages, and some corn. We were having a barbecue. It was a lovely afternoon except for the presence of a girl who likes to use the word "gay" as a negative adjective. Troglodyte.

I really hate when people say that. It sets off an emotional chain reaction that ricochets around all sorts of other memories of people making fun of me for being gay and finally arrives at my long mental list of people I have to avoid to preserve my good mood.

Anyway, that goddamn corn is still in my fridge. No one ever ate it! I should throw it away.

P.S. Does anyone else find it odd that my receipt says I purchased ten items when I really bought four? And also, it mentions my birthdate: Wednesday, April 8, 1981.

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