Sunday, September 16, 2007

August 31st, 2007


Shit. Nothing I bought was healthy. But I wanted some tacos!

No wonder I'm a fat ass, despite all the running. I'm 5'11" and 170 lbs. Not technically a fat ass I guess, but I could stand to lose a few.

August 30th, 2007


Whole wheat pasta with meat sauce. I eat that a little too often I think. I also got some natural peanut butter because it's delicious and a really expensive magazine. I wonder which magazine that was...

Anyway my checkout girl today was Lashica. She's this gigantic girl who wears gigantic gold earrings. The girl doing the bagging asked her how much they cost and she said $170. I thought that was a lot to spend on earrings if you're working at Ralphs, especially since I thought they were plastic.

August 29th, 2007



I bought more tilapia. Still on sale, still delicious and easy to prepare. But right when I got home I decided that I was sick of eating pound after pound made the exact same way. So I looked up a recipe online and went back to the store to get the ingredients for a mango salsa. The salsa was delicious.

Unfortunately when I went back for seconds the entire platter was swarming with flies. Sickout! We don't have A/C so we leave the windows open. It's been hot in Los Angeles.

Oh and about the yogurt. I love yogurt. But it has to be fruit on the bottom, for obvious reasons.

August 26th, 2007


As you can see this day was a departure from my normal, healthful, diet. I purchased a case of Pabst, hot dogs, sausages, and some corn. We were having a barbecue. It was a lovely afternoon except for the presence of a girl who likes to use the word "gay" as a negative adjective. Troglodyte.

I really hate when people say that. It sets off an emotional chain reaction that ricochets around all sorts of other memories of people making fun of me for being gay and finally arrives at my long mental list of people I have to avoid to preserve my good mood.

Anyway, that goddamn corn is still in my fridge. No one ever ate it! I should throw it away.

P.S. Does anyone else find it odd that my receipt says I purchased ten items when I really bought four? And also, it mentions my birthdate: Wednesday, April 8, 1981.

August 23rd, 2007


Nothing much here. I had eaten the entire pound of tilapia the day before and needed more. I ate the whole pound again on this day. Mmmmmm fish!

Also I got some bananas. If I don't eat enough of them I get cramps in my calves when I run. Gotta love that potassium!

August 22nd, 2007

So this is my grocery blog. It's probably exceedingly boring to everyone but me but I've been feeling the need to track what I buy and eat. This is the official record of it. You'll probably notice that I only go to one grocery, Ralphs, and that I go there several times a week and sometimes several times a day. That's because my grocery is within walking distance and I only buy what I can carry. I'm also very capricious. If I get a hankering for an Oscar Mayer wiener, by God, I'll have have one within the next thirty minutes or else. Catch my drift?

So here's the first receipt:


All I got was some fish, veggies, and mango green tea. As you can see I try to eat a healthful diet, which is difficult because I don't know how to cook many vegetables. But I try.

Those mushrooms went bad before I had a chance to eat them. I was pissed. I almost ate them anyway. I'd always been kind of a spendthrift (until recently when I quit my job and became poor) but even then I've always been a cheapskate at the grocery. I always scour for sales. You'll probably notice that tilapia was on on sale this week.